
Celebrating 58 years of Independence!

Why not spend this weekend exploring one of Zambia’s amazing National Parks or important birdlife areas?

October is the height of the dry season, when you can find wildlife crammed around watering holes, being the best time of year to spot your favourite wild animals.

Zambia has 20 national parks, with the largest being Kafue NP, home to the most diverse species of antelopes in the world. One of the smallest is Kasanka NP, who is currently hosting the world’s largest mammal migration – millions of Straw coloured fruit bats who have migrated to the park in search of wild fruits to feast on. Next month, Liuwa Plains NP will be showcasing Zambia’s spectacular wildebeest migration – around 45,000 wildebeest trek to seek fresh grazing in this remote part of the country, only second in size to the more famous Masai Mara-Serengeti migration in Kenya.

Zambia is also home to a huge range of colourful bird species – estimated to be 858 at the last count, along with 42 Important Bird Areas. The magnificent African Fish Eagle (Haliaeetus vocifer) is our national bird – being the largest species of eagle found throughout sub-Saharan Africa. Living close to water, you might spot them as they swoop down into the rivers and lakes, snatching a fish from the waters for its supper.

So, this Independence weekend, why not set out to discover more about Zambia’s amazing and diverse wildlife and the stunning biodiverse habitats in which they live. Check out and start exploring!