Frankfurt Zoological Society

FZS is an international conservation organisation based in Frankfurt in Germany. Founded by Prof. Bernhard Grzimek, FZS is committed to preserving wildlands and biological diversity in the last remaining wilderness areas on the planet.

The North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) is a partnership between the Frankfurt Zoological Society and the Zambia Department of National Parks and Wildlife to conserve 22,000 km² of the North Luangwa ecosystem. Founded in 1986, the partnership focuses on protected area management and law enforcement.

The North Luangwa Conservation Programme strives for long-term success by reaching out to the local communities. The overall FZS goal ‘to conserve wildlife and ecosystems’ hinges on their engagement. Involving the communities in management decisions is key to generating pride, social capital and socio-economic benefits in these communities and these can improve conservation outcomes.