Latest news from WECSZ
As the Wildlife and Environmental Conservation Society of Zambia (WECSZ) have been continuing to try and adapt to the new normal, due to the worldwide pandemic, they have been exploring new ways of interacting with members on various virtual platforms. Their latest newsletter highlighted their Lusaka Branch’s most recent activities and schools projects. And, if you haven’t already renewed your membership for this year, then don’t forget to do so as your membership entitles you to a discount when visiting Mutinondo Wilderness!
Tree planting at Ngwerere Clinic
Under the ‘Leave Your Roots’ tree planting campaign, the Lusaka Branch held a successful tree planting exercise at Ngwerere Clinic. Pupils from three schools – Lekisha Private School, Captain Park School and Robert Dean Secondary – took part, gaining practical experience on how to plant a tree. They also recorded video messages to commemorate International Day of Forests 2021. Check out their video here
This campaign was kindly supported by the Lusaka International Community School and Trees4Zambia indigenous Tree Nursery.
Planning and orientation meeting for teachers
Due to the pandemic restrictions, a limited number of teachers were invited to a one day planning meeting from local Chongololo Clubs at the Lusaka City Council Hall. The meeting was held to discuss effective programming and new ways of implementing Club Meetings and activities in line with the ‘new normal’.
Fifteen teachers attended and similar meetings are being conducted during club visits by the Branch Education Officer (BEO) to help equip teachers to facilitate their environmental activities with Chongololo and Chipembele Conservation Club Members.
Pictured – Mr. Sikela Namangolwa, Branch Education Officer, facilitating the Planning and Orientation meeting

Club monitoring visits

The Society’s BEO visited conservation clubs established at Twin Palm Secondary School, Lusaka Girls Secondary, Kamwala South and Kabulonga Girls Secondary Schools to see how they are coping in the ‘new normal’.
Despite not being able to meet as often as they would like, the School Clubs are busily keeping going, whilst adhering to COVID-19 prevention guidelines for schools. During the visits, the BEO delivered new club magazines along with reference books to keep students updated with environmental news and let them know about upcoming activities that they can take part in, albeit remotely.
Membership reminder
WESCZ thanked all their Members for renewing and would like to remind those who have not yet renewed for 2021 that they can do so online on their membership portal
“It is through your generous membership registrations and donations that we are able to organise branch talks and other branch activities. It is also through the same membership that, we support some of the school club activities and pay for the Branch Education Officer’s upkeep. “
WESCZ also thanked everyone for buying their 2021 Wildlife Calendar. The calendar was themed around ‘Celebrating Forests’ to highlight the important roles they play in sustaining life on our planet and also called for action to restore them. They are also encouraging everyone to take time out from their busy schedules and visit their nearest forest reserves to enjoy interacting with nature.
For more information about WECSZ then you can contact them on +260976143143 or at wecszlusakabranch@outlook.com. You can also find out about their latest news on their Facebook Page and on their website and you can watch all their latest videos on their YouTube Page
Call of the wild – Mutinondo Wilderness

Mutinondo Wilderness is offering 10% off accommodation, meals and camping for paid up members of WECSZ or Birdwatch Zambia (ZOS). A further 10% will be donated to go towards the Organisations’ Conservation work. Why not take advantage of this discount? You can have a wonderful holiday of hiking, birding, cycling, swimming and you will also be directly contributing towards the conservation of our beautiful country!