
Latest Updates From CLZ

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Mazai Women’s Group

Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ), along with the Luangwa community, broke ground when it formed a new women’s group.

This new ‘Mazai Women’s Group’ will set up a chicken coop to raise chickens which supports female empowerment through a resilient small business. Their name ‘Mazai’ comes from the local word for ‘egg’.

CLZ thanked The Frog Crossing Foundation and Stop Poaching Now for assisting with setting up this new local community group.

Judicial Empowerment

CLZ, with support from the NGO, Wildlife Crime Prevention (WCP), hosted a meeting with prosecutors and wildlife authorities from three countries – Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. The meeting centred around strengthening collaboration and cross-border prosecutions in an effort to curb the illegal wildlife trade.

A visit with the Magistrates from the Zambian judicial sector was organised to understand and discuss issues focused on small-scale illegal mining in order to better protect the Lower Zambezi environment. CLZ thanked the FZS for supporting these meetings through INL funding.

Local COVID-19 Support

Throughout February, CLZ facilitated further COVID-19 community support in the form of cleaning supplies and face shields which were distributed to rural community schools in the Rufunsa District and Chinyunyu Zone.

Chitenge materials were also distributed to women in Luangwa, to be used to sew protective face masks.

Throughout this pandemic, CLZ is committed to support communities and limit the spread of COVID-19. Their support was was made possible by the IWT Challenge Fund.

CLZ was disappointed to announce that there are reports of a fraudulent job posting which was circulated online. Please be advised this is not a legitimate advert. If you are interested in a position with CLZ, then also check their Facebook page where they share upcoming job opportunities.

Find out more

For more news from CLZ then you can read their latest newsletter in full online and keep up to date with their latest news on their Facebook Page