Upcoming Local And Global Events For Your Diary
As well as the UK’s 26th Climate Change Conference which is taking place in Glasgow, Scotland, on 31 October – 12 November 2021, there are lots of local and virtual events which you can easily join in coming up over the next few weeks.
Wildlife Rangers Challenge – Saturday 18th September
Have you been joining in training with the Rangers? 187 teams from 19 African countries have signed up to take the challenge. During the last few months they have been taking part in a series of physical and mental challenges which will culminate in a 21km virtual rage on 18th September. Their goal is to raise money to support the men and women who protect Africa’s protected areas who continue to see drastic cuts in resources due to the devastating economic impact of Covid-19.
There is still time to virtually join in – you can register to join the virtual race, donate to the fund or donate to your favourite protected area. All donations will be matched by the Scheinberg Relief Fund. Find out more at www.wildliferangerchallenge.org
The Elephant Charge – Saturday 25th September

You might have seen the teams busily fundraising on social media to raise money for conservation through education. So far 33 teams have entered in this year’s extreme 4×4 event which will take place somewhere outside of Lusaka! The actual venue is only announced just before the competition so teams don’t know what type of terrain they will be challenged with. And don’t forget, spectators are also welcome to join in and cheer on their favourite teams.
Since the Elephant Charge began, 13 years ago, they have raised US $1,181,732, supporting 107 grants to 22 local conservation organisations. You can find out more about the charge, teams and beneficiaries at www.elephantcharge.org and on their Facebook Page.
Conservation Careers Fair – Wednesday 6th and Thursday 7th October

This year the Conservation Careers Fair will again be held virtually online due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, so there is no excuse for you not to join in! They will be bringing together potential employers, conservation organisations, students and graduates from Zambian training institutions, offering environmental and conservation information and advice for you to kick start your conservation career.
We will be bringing you more details on how you can join in nearer the time, but you can also keep checking their Facebook Page for more details.
October Big Birding Day – Saturday 9th October

Big Birding Day is a 24 hour opportunity for everyone to celebrate our birds. This is the second ever Global Bird Weekend, and the actual day takes place on World Migratory Bird Day.
You can join in, wherever you are. All you have to do is just get an eBird account and then enter your sighting. You don’t have to go to a protected birding area or spend the full 24 hours birdwatching! You can spend a few minutes checking which birds are in your garden at home and then report your sightings on the eBird website or the free eBird mobile app. Go to www.ebird.org for more details and check out the Birdwatch Zambia Forum Facebook Page for more local details.
Last year, over 32,000 participants worldwide submitted an astonishing 80,400 checklists with 7,128 species. So make a date and join in the Global birding team!