
Pangolin Protection

Did you know you can call in illegal Pangolin activities?

The only mammals covered in scales are now infamous due to the Covid-19 pandemic as they are believed to have passed the corona virus from bats to humans. For a long time, pangolins have relatively been unknown species even though they are the most trafficked mammals in the world. They are at the edge of survival with some populations classified as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature -IUCN

Africa is home to four out of eight pangolins species in the world (the Tree Pangolin, the Giant Ground Pangolin, the Cape Pangolin and the Long-tailed Pangolin). Zambia houses two pangolin species (the Tree Pangolin and the Ground Pangolin) and like other countries, Zambia has taken protecting these endangered species seriously. This is because pangolins are important to the environment. One pangolin can consume up to 70 million insects per year and this helps in keeping insect populations down and regulating  balance in ecosystems aside from the Department of National Parks and Wildlife carrying out successful operations to rescue and release pangolins back in to nature, they have provided a direct line to call in illegal pangolin activities on +260 979 355 135.

Contact the nearest Department of National Parks and Wildlife office or call the 260 979 355 135 to report illegal pangolin activities and help protect the pangolins.

For more information,visit the Department of National Parks and Wildlife Facebook page