
Latest News From CLZ

Aerial Operations

In September, Conservation Lower Zambezi (CLZ) and the Department of National Parks and Wildlife (DNPW) conducted two helicopter operations.

The first involved darting and then collaring three elephants. They have been collared so they can be tracked in order to better understand elephant movements in the area. The information collected will be used to both improve wildlife protection methods and be part of the elephant mitigation and human/wildlife conflict issues.

During the helicopter second operation, CLZ and DNPW deployed teams in areas that are hard to reach by road. Radio and infrastructure equipment was transported in order to improve the radio and observation point on top of Chilapira.

Whilst these operations were being carried out, snared elephants were discovered and so the helicopter allowed CLZ and DNPW to respond swiftly to their aid.

CLZ thanked FZS and INL for funding the second operation, John Morgan for supporting the elephant collaring, and vets Dr Innocent Ngombwa and Dr Ian Parsons.

Wildlife Crime Prevention Media Visit

During September, CLZ hosted a media visit conducted by the Wildlife Crime Prevention (WCP) team, to help shed light on conservation issues within the Lower Zambezi National Park.

Their visit highlighted the rise in small-scale illegal mining; risks of the illegal bush meat trade; and, one of the biggest threats to the National Park – the proposed Kangaluwi Copper Mine. If this mine was to go ahead, the large scale open-pit copper mine in the centre of the Park will put both local communities and wildlife at risk. For more details on CLZ’s campaign see the Facebook Page – Save Zambezi Safe Zambezi Campaign

Wildlife Ranger Challenge

On September 18th, CLZ’s team joined over 2,000 rangers across 24 African countries for the Tusk Wildlife Ranger Challenge 2021.

The goal of the challenge was to raise money and awareness to support the men and women who work with wildlife and conservation across Africa’s protected areas.

Many congratulations to CLZ’s team who finished the 21 km race, whilst carrying their full 22kg kit backpacks, in just 2 hours and 35 minutes!

Find out more

For more news then you can read CLZ’s September newsletter here. For more information about CLZ, and to keep up to date with all their projects, then visit their website and check out their Facebook page

Photos ©CLZ